My Experiences With Magnesium Deficiency And How I Solved It!

Good afternoon radical readers! Today I’m going to share my experience with having a magnesium deficiency. About two weeks ago I realized that my body just wasn’t reacting as rosy as it usually does. For starters, I have been extremely stressed, nervous, and having lots of painful cramps and muscle tension. As someone who suffers from a TMJ disorder my jaw is always hurting me but the pain has been extremely painful these last two weeks that I knew something was off. After doing some research and happily stumbling upon a water-soluble magnesium powder called Natural Calm in an herbal store I realized that Magnesium is my new pain-free best friend! After ten minutes of just taking this powder in a glass of water half of my muscle tension in my entire body disappeared. Magnesium really is a MIRACLE! The ideal amount of daily intake of Magnesium for an adult leading an active life is approximately 2,000 milligrams. If you get the packets of the Natural Calm magnesium powder you would need to take 8 packets a day because each packet equals 255 mg of magnesium. I suggest getting the bottle of Natural Calm instead of the packets. As I’m writing this I’m drinking my second packet of Natural Calm and I feel so happy, tension free, energetic, and rosy! 🙂 

Here is what Natural Calm looks like:

What’s so magnificent about magnesium?

Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis. It contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione. Magnesium also plays a role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process that is important to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm (Nation Institutes Of Health para 1). 

Here are some more side effects of having magnesium deficiency? 

Because magnesium is required for hundreds of enzymatic reactions (enzymes are protein molecules that stimulate every chemical reaction in the body), deficiency can cause a wide variety of symptoms, such as

  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • PMS and hormonal imbalances
  • Inability to sleep
  • Weakening bones
  • Muscle tension, spasms & cramps
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Headaches
  • Anxiousness
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability

Also, early signs of magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. As magnesium deficiency worsens, numbness, tingling, muscle contractions and cramps, seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms, and coronary spasms can occur. Severe magnesium deficiency can result in hypocalcemia or hypokalemia (low serum calcium or potassium levels, respectively) because mineral homeostasis is disrupted.

The top ten foods sources highest in Magnesium are:
  1. Kelp
  2. Almonds
  3. Cashews
  4.  Molasses
  5. Buckwheat
  6. Brazil nuts
  7. Dulse
  8. Filberts
  9. Millet
  10. Pecans
It’s important to soak nuts for twelve hours to activate them, then rinse them, which releases enzyme inhibitors, phytic acid. Otherwise, eating nuts may increase Magnesium levels but decrease Zinc levels, which is also another essential mineral.
Below is a video you must watch:
Another way to take Magnesium is topically applying it on the body especially on the feet (where everything is best absorbed). If you are suffering from chronic/acute pain as a Licensed Massage Therapist I suggest scheduling for a massage and asking if your MT could use Magnesium oil during the massage. You will feel splendid afterwords! If you want to learn more about Magnesium oil watch this video below:
Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a magnificent day!
Stay Rosy!


L- Phenylalanine: Treat Chronic Pain, Multiple Sclerosis, and Depression.

I wrote an article on here a while back describing my adoration for L-Phenylalanine and the amazing benefits it has given me. I decided to write another article on it describing my recent use of it and also some more scientific research I have found on this amazing amino acid.

So I have been off L-Phenylalanine for a couple of months now but just two days ago I decided to start taking it again after stumbling upon an interesting article:

Low endorphins: Endorphin deficiency can be genetic. Chronic stress and physical pain can also deplete endorphins. If you’re low in these neurotransmitters, which inoculate us to emotional and physical pain, you may feel overly sensitive and have a hard time “getting over” life’s stressors. The amino acid phenylalanine stimulates the production of endorphins and can help you cultivate more emotional resiliency. Take 500 to 1,500 mg up to three times per day. As with tyrosine, be sure to finish your dosages by 3 p.m. to prevent interference with sleep (motherearthliving).

Take an L-Phenylalanine and your there nugget! 

The one reason I wanted to start a career in massage therapy is because I have had chronic back pain since I was fifteen years old. Massage has mostly been the only thing that has really helped me get rid of my pain but recently I have found out that L-Phenylalanine helps decrease the physical pain and gives me a little happy boost which I always love…and I would think every other spiffy nugget would as well. 🙂

To be more scientific on the whole L-phenylalanine is the bomb thing…I will insert scientific research to make myself sound more legit about my own opinion:

Phenylalanine occurs in two chemical forms: L-phenylalanine , a natural amino acid found in proteins; and its mirror image, D-phenylalanine , a form synthesized in a laboratory. Some research has involved the L-form, others the D-form, and still others a combination of the two known as DL-phenylalanine.

In the body, phenylalanine is converted into another amino acid called tyrosine . Tyrosine in turn is converted into L-dopa, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, three key neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells). Because some antidepressants work by raising levels of norepinephrine, various forms of phenylalanine have been tried as a possible treatment for depression (med.nyu). 

L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, meaning that we need it for life and our bodies can’t manufacture it from other chemicals. It is found in protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and beans. Provided you eat enough protein, you are likely to get enough L-phenylalanine for your nutritional needs.

Here are the differences between DL-Phenylalanine, L-Phenylalanine, and D-Phenylalanine:

  • L-phenylalanine is the natural form found in proteins throughout the body.
  • D-phenylalanine is a mirror image of L-phenylalanine, and is synthesized in a laboratory.
  • DL-phenylalanine is a combination of the previous two forms.

In the book The Diet Cure by Julia Ross (which I very much want to read) says that DL-Phenylalanine or D-Phenylalanine is good when you crave the following substances:

  • sweets
  • starches
  • chocolate
  • alcohol
  • flour or milk products
  • fats
  • drugs like Oxycontin, marijuan, or heroin

She also lists the “deficiency symptoms” as:

  • Very sensitive to emotional pain
  • Tear up or cry easily
  • Crave treats for comfort, reward, or numbing
  • Get a “high” from the foods listed previously


A pair of double-blind comparative studies found that D- or DL-phenylalanine may be as effective as the antidepressant drug imipramine, and possibly work more quickly. The larger of the two studies compared the effectiveness of D-phenylalanine at 100 mg daily against the same daily dose of imipramine. 15 Sixty people with depression were randomly assigned to take either imipramine or D-phenylalanine for 30 days. The results in both groups were statistically equivalent, meaning that phenylalanine was about as effective as imipramine. D-phenylalanine worked more rapidly, however, producing significant improvement in only 15 days. Like most antidepressant drugs, imipramine required several weeks to take effect.

The other double-blind study followed 27 people, half of whom received DL-phenylalanine (150 to 200 mg daily) and the other half imipramine (100 to 150 mg daily). 16 When they were reevaluated after 30 days, both groups had improved by a statistically equal amount.

L-phenylalanine has also been tried as a treatment for depression, but not in studies that could provide a scientifically meaningful result. 17,18 

Unfortunately, there have not been any double-blind, placebo -controlled studies of phenylalanine for depression. This is too bad, since without such evidence we can’t be sure that the supplement is actually effective (med.nyu). 

Chronic Pain

The enzyme enkephalinase breaks down enkephalins, naturally occurring substances that reduce pain. D-phenylalanine (but not L-phenylalanine) is thought to block enkephalinase; this could lead to increased enkephalin levels, which in turn would tend to reduce pain. 21 On this basis, D-phenylalanine has been proposed as a pain-killing drug.

However, as yet there is no meaningful evidence that it really works in this way. A small double-blind, placebo-controlled study reported evidence for the effectiveness of D-phenylalanine in chronic pain, 21 but a careful re-examination of the math involved showed that it actually proved little. 22 Another small double-blind, placebo-controlled study failed to find any benefits at all. 23 Another study commonly described as showing D-phenylalanine effective suffered from many flaws (including the fact that it lacked a control group) and, therefore, can’t be trusted ( 

While both of these studies put L-Phenylalaine slightly down. I say try it out for yourself and see if you like it or not. I love it so I’m going to keep using it but remember to be careful with interactions with other drugs.

If you are taking Antipsychotic medications : Do not use phenylalanine or Levodopa : Like other amino acids, phenylalanine might interfere with its action.

I use the supplement form of L-Phenylalanine from a brand called Now. I bought it from my local health food store.

I hope you enjoyed the article. Thanks for reading! 

Stay Rosy!


Radial Rose



Let’s Feel Swish…Shall We!

What comes to your mind when you think of the word swish? What comes to my mind is these things below:

As most individuals would probably pick Henri Jayer Richebourg wines (where they range around sixteen thousand dollars) I decided to look up the healthiest white wines for a healthy heart and a good time…YA DIG!

Boogie down funky nuggets!

Who doesn’t feel swish when their in the middle of the dance floor shaking their tail feather! OW OW!

Listening to these fellas’ really makes me groove.

Having a cup of rose tea always sets my mind to a relaxed and swish mindset.

Getting a massage and giving one in my case (I’m a student in massage school) always gives me the swish feeling! 🙂


Having my best nugget around 🙂

Sunshine Swish.

Bubbles. What more can I say? 🙂

What makes you feel SWISH?

Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose


Herbal Treatments For Heartburn Relief: (Video).

I’ve only experienced heartburn once in my life and may I tell you that I give much sympathy for someone that suffers from chronic heartburn. I’ve experinced it once and that was enough! I know a spiffy nugget that suffers from chronic heartburn daily and I decided to do some research to help a fellow nugget solve their terrible heartburn symptoms. Here is what I found:

o review, heartburn and GERD are not caused by too much stomach acid. They are caused by too little stomach acid and bacterial overgrowth in the stomach and intestines. Therefore successful treatment is based on restoring adequate stomach acid production and eliminating bacterial overgrowth.

This can be accomplished by following the “three Rs” of treating heartburn and GERD naturally:

  1. Reduce factors that promote bacterial overgrowth and low stomach acid.
  2. Replace stomach acid, enzymes and nutrients that aid digestion and are necessary for health.
  3. Restore beneficial bacteria and a healthy mucosal lining in the gut.
  • Reduce factors that promote bacterial overgrowth and low stomach acid


All grains, legumes and starchy vegetables should be eliminated, but fruits and certain non-starchy root vegetables (winter squash, rutabaga, turnips, celery root) can be eaten.

Fructose and artificial sweeteners have been shown to increase bacterial overgrowth. Artificial sweeteners should be completely eliminated, and fructose (in processed form especially) should be reduced.

Another way to stimulate acid production in the stomach is by taking bitter herbs. “Bitters” have been used in traditional cultures for thousands of years to stimulate and improve digestion. More recently, studies have confirmed the ability of bitters to increase the flow of digestive juices, including HCL, bile, pepsin, gastrin and pancreatic enzymes.

The following is a list of bitter herbs commonly used in Western and Chinese herbology:

  • Barberry bark
  • Caraway
  • Dandelion
  • Fennel
  • Gentian root
  • Ginger
  • Globe artichoke
  • Goldenseal root
  • Hops
  • Milk thistle
  • Peppermint
  • Wormwood
  • Yellow dock

Bitters are normally taken in very small doses – just enough to evoke a strong taste of bitterness. Kerry Bone, a respected Western herbalist, suggests 5 to 10 drops of a 1:5 tincture of the above herbs taken in 20 mL of water.

An even better option is to see a licensed herbalist who can prescribe a formula containing several of the herbs above as appropriate for your particular condition.

Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, raw (unpasteurized) sauerkraut and pickles are other time-tested, traditional remedies that often relieve the symptoms of heartburn and GERD.

Panache Probiotics

ecause bacterial overgrowth is a major factor in heartburn and GERD, restoring a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria is an important aspect of treatment.

Researchers in Australia have shown that probiotics are effective in reducing bacterial overgrowth and altering fermentation patterns in the small bowel in patients with IBS. Probiotics have also been shown to be effective in treating Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and other digestive conditions.

I take probiotics daily and I know some family members that have been taking it for almsot a year now and have experienced drastic changes in their appetite control, weight, and heartburn relief. You can buy a probiotic supplment or you take kefir. Kefir is a sour-tasting drink made from cows milk fermented with certain bacteria. 

The problem with fermented milk products in the treatment of heartburn and GERD, however, is that milk is relatively high in carbohydrates. This may present a problem for people with severe bacterial overgrowth. However, relatively small amounts of kefir and yogurt are therapeutic and may be well tolerated. It’s best to make kefir and yogurt at home, because the microorganism count will be much higher.

You an also make water kefir if you still want the benefits of kefir but can’t ingest dairy. Originating in Mexico, water kefir grains (also known as sugar kefir grains) allow for the fermentation of sugar water or juice to create a carbonated lacto-fermented beverage. You can buy water kefir grains from Cultures for Health. I’m espicially excited about trying out water kefir because I have asthma and a herbalist once told me to try to elimate almsot all dairy out of your diet. For the past two years my asthma has improved dramatically by eliminating lots of dairy out of my diet.

Here is a video showing you how to make water kefir:

Here is a delicious recipe using kefir that I’m definitely going to try out:

Natural remedies and heartburn:

Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose


one of the best sites hands down!


Healing Boils With Natural Remedies (Video).

Boils also called furuncles are local staphyloccal bacterial infections of the skin. You can get boils by these things below:

  • Poor hygiene
  • Poor immune system
  • Alcoholism
  • Friction from tight clothing
  • Diabetes
  • Poor nutrition
  • Chemotherapy
  • Exposure to harsh chemicals

You can prevent yourself from getting boils by washing your hands, covering open lesions on skin, and not sharing personal items such as towels or razors.

Natural Remedies For Boils

– Using a hot compress

– Taking tumeric internally. Turmeric is considered to be a natural blood purifier. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful for the treatment of boils.

– Applying tea tree oil to the boil topically. Tea tree oil is one of the preferable antiseptics, which is used for healing all types of skin problems.

– Castor oil is considered as an antiseptic for treatment of a boil. Put some drops of castor oil on a cotton ball. Put the cotton ball on the boil, directly. This will draw out the poison right out of the boil.

– Onion has antimicrobial as well as antiseptic properties that are effective for the treatment of boils. You are required to take a thick slice of onion and place it directly on the boil. Wrap the onion with a cloth so that the heat of the onion reaches inside the skin. If the process is practised 3-4 times a day, the boil will surely drain out.

– Boil some parsley leaves in water. After warming, wrap the leaves in a thin clean cloth. Use it as a bandage on the boil. This will help boil to burst out fast, without any infection.

– Nutmeg is known for stimulating blood circulation in the body. Mix half teaspoon of nutmeg powder in 1 hot cup of milk or water. Drink the mixture to prevent bacterial infection in the boil.

Here is a video below showing Ayurvedic remedies for healing boils (furuncles):

Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose


Ravishing Roses: Calm The Mind, Cure Acne, and Soothe A Sore Throat (Video).

I woke up today thinking why on earth do I not know a lot about roses? I thought to myself good lordy nugget your name is Rose! I’ve learned a lot about herbal medicine and alternative healing this year but I really havn’t been focusing on what I really should know most about and that is…ravishing roses! I know a little about the therauptic benefits of roses because I have used rose oil before and tasted rose tea. Let me tell ya nuggets…rose tea is delicious and I’m not just saying that because of my name. Also, it really calms the nerves…especially when your in massage school. :) When I used rose oil a while back I noticed that it calmed my skin quite a bit. I had pretty bad roseache when I was a kid and I wished I had known the cure for my skin was right in front of my me.  Since I wanted to know more about ravishing roses and their beautifying properties I did some research. Here is what I found:

Roses are highly used in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Relaxing effect of rose oil on humans.

One increasingly popular type of alternative therapy is aromatherapy, but scientific validation in this field is still rare. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rose oil (Rosa damascena Mill, Rosaceae) on human autonomic parameters and emotional responses in healthy subjects after transdermal absorption. In order to exclude any olfactory stimulation the inhalation of the fragrances was prevented by breathing masks. Forty healthy volunteers participated in the experiments. Five autonomic parameters, i.e. blood pressure, breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate, and skin temperature, were recorded. Emotional responses were assessed by means of rating scales. Compared to placebo, rose oil caused significant decreases of breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation and systolic blood pressure, which indicate a decrease of autonomic arousal. At the emotional level, subjects in the rose oil group rated themselves as more calm, more relaxed and less alert than subjects in the control group. These findings are likely to represent a relaxing effect of the rose oil and provide some evidence for the use of rose oil in aromatherapy, such as causing relief of depression and stress in humans (pubmed).

Rose tea (tea made with rose petals and hips) is not a new idea. Here are 10 extraordinary health benefits of rose tea.

The reasons for the diuretic effects of the roses are they contain Vitamin C, pectin, malic and citric acids.”

  1. It clears toxins and heat from the body. As a result it has a cooling effect on the body.
  2. It can relieve from sore throat, runny nose and blocked bronchial tubes.
  3. It is useful to people those prone to chest problems by fighting against infections.
  4. Rose tea helps to fight the infection in the digestive tract and re-establish the normal bacterial population of the intestines.
  5. It relieves fluid retention and hastens the elimination of wastes through kidneys.
  6. It is a wonderful remedy for dysentery, diarrhea and gastro enteritis.
  7. It is a laxative. It works as a remedy for all liver problems including sluggishness and constipation.
  8. It cleanses the liver and gall bladder and promotes bile flow.
  9. Rose petal tea can be used to relieve uterine congestion causing pain and heavy periods. It is an excellent remedy for irregular periods and infertility.
  10. It has an uplifting effect on the nervous system and can relieve insomnia, depression and fatigue (vega-licious).

Here is a video showing you how to make Rose Hip Tea:

Here is a video showing you how to make rose oil:



Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose


PS: You can buy really high quality roses from



Wizardly Weight Lose: Lose It Like A Wizard!

No offense dude but you need some serious cleansing!

Alright, your sick of being a fat, plump, or a non toned wizard. I get it…I feel ya! Since I’ve been a slacking nugget these days I decided to pick up wizardly qualities that I left behind and I’m beginning to venture on my health adventure once again. So if you’re interested in losing weight like a wicked wizard please read on:

1. Do a candida cleanse! Candida is a type of yeast found in everybody’s gut, and it aids in digestion. However, for a lot of people, depending on their diet and health, they can suffer Candida overgrowth. The symptoms of candida overgrowth is psoriasis, itchy skin, irritability and mood swings, intense sugar cravings, headaches and shaking and/or cold sweats when hungry, dizziness. I know I have it! I have been having itchy skin, I get dizzy sometimes, and I have mood swings. I’m done with this! I’m gonna fix my diet for once and for all and solve this unnecessary problem! On a candida diet you should avoid these foods: dairy, grains, fruits, sugar, molds, fungus. The best thing to eat to lose weight and get rid of this candida overgrowth is ingest green vegetables or juice green vegetables. Plain and simple!

Foods That Fight Candida Overgrowth

Coconut Oil- It is a potent antifungal!

Garlic- is also a powerful antifungal and and boosts good bacteria in your digestive system. It also stimulates the liver and colon. Drinking 2-4 cloves by juicing is a good tonic for candida. I actually tried this and oh my lordy is it nasty! As my mother says beauty is pain (In the physical sense)…yeah VERY painful to the tastebuds.

Onions- They are anti fungal, help get rid of those un panache’ parasite, and help with water retention (which I have).

Seaweed- It’s iodine rich and helps balance the thyroid (which the thyroid is the king of the metabolism). Also, it flushes heavy metals from the body.

Rutabaga- Is supposedly one of the best anti fungal foods out there. 

Ginger- It detoxifies the liver and stimulates the immune system.

Pumpkin seeds- are high in omega fatty acids and that helps fight candida. If your a woman I suggest staying away from these seeds though because I read they increase testosterone.

Cayenne Pepper- I can’t rave about this spice enough! I always put this spice in my water for a metabolism boost and for it’s spicy taste on my food. It increases circulation in the body and helps the digestive system.

Cleansing Is The Key

Drinking Psyllium Husk for fiber is good for cleansing. Also acacia powder and apple fiber are good fiber choices as well.

Drinking Liquid Bentonite Clay is also necessary for cleansing and combining it with fiber is the best choice. The Bentonite clay soaks up toxins, and the fiber pushes waste matter out through your colon.

Doing 15 colonics in 30 days is very helpful in cleaning out your system and of the candida overgrowth. The only reason I say 15 colonics is because I read this in the book Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About A very good book I highly recommend it!

Iv’e also found a lot of good weight loss tips in this book and that’s what inspired me to write this article.

More Weight Loss Tips:

Use infared saunas!

Take digestive enzymes!

Eat organic grapefruit (after the candida cleanse of course)

Use a rebounder:

Here is a good video about a rebounder from Dan the man who is my favorite health guru:

Cosume 100% organic virgin coconut oil!

Use organic apple cider vinegar…I’m drinking some Bragg organic apple cider vinegar now and I definitely feel an energy boost. 🙂

Use magnetic finger ring!

Eat organic apples (again after candida cleanse)

Hope this has helped!

PS: Listen to this song to get pumped up to be a lovely wizard:

Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose


Be Halcyonic!

Life is filled with incandescent times and cataclysm.  It’s a constant state of myriad moments that have constant life learning lessons. If their is anything that I have learned it’s to live life with a halcyonic outlook and a dulcet attitude. I realized after sipping my wonderful tea with nutmeg, ingesting my serene supplement-L-Phenylalanine, and listening to my list of life changing songs (which I will post below) that life is just simply blissful. I must admit I’m feeling quite splendid right now. Well I would write more but to be honest I have the urge to go collect flowers, dance outside, and plant some wheatgrass so I’ll talk to you groovy nuggets later and I will post my idyllic playlist below!


                                                                                         Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose


Searching for Serenity

As I wake up in the earlier hours of the morning I suddenly have a burst of inspiration and adrenalin that I have not encountered in a good long while. I have determined that I will not conform to a life that just is not right for myself and that is the life of a negative prune who looks at the negative sides of things instead of focusing on the more positive prospects of new ideas, feelings, and outolooks of the world. I am most certainly searching for serenity dear nuggets…are you? I’m sure you are…who wouldn’t want to be in inner peace and utter happiness? Well your probably wondering what does this radical nugget do to achieve success on her journey to inner peace and utter happiness. Below I will list my ongoing list for serenity and overflowing love for your soul:

1. Listen to music that brings out the best in yourself. Although I love the band Metallica and Pantera…it just doesn’t bring out a very delicate and serenity filled Radical Rose. So I have chosen to listen to more optimistic tunes such Simon and Garfunkel, The Eagles, and Sons of the Sea. Now these sounds are highly satisfying!

~The song below makes me want to hug my cat…and the entire world…and yes while drinking delicious green tea~

2. The most important questions you can ever ask yourself is: Why am I here, How can I contribute? What are my values? After you figured those out your life will be a whole lot easier…simple questions with a lot of meaning. Really ponder on these questions. 

3. Have a religion. I am a believer in God and Jesus Christ but I will not hate on anyone who does not believe but I will feel sadness because believe me when you find a religion/Christianity your life gets so much better! 

4. Eat healthy for serenity and peace! I will not say that I never fail at this idea. Haha, I’m a bipolar raw foodist/juice fanatic. I’ll go crazy for a week or two and then completely fail but I must say I feel the best when I have three good healthy juices a day. Oranges and bananas are great happy foods!

5. Herbs for happiness! I suggest the herb Kava Kava and Valerian for relaxation. Passionflower and/or St.Johns Wort for a happier outlook! Also, inhaling the essential oil of orange and rose is helpful for the feeling of comfort and happiness. 

6. Getting more Vitamin D! I honestly don’t go out enough…and Iv’e made a pact for myself to be outdoors and all possible causes because it’s spiffy and the outdoors is just so much groovier then the walls of an isolated shelter. 

7. Try to give up as much technology as possible. The more the better! 

~May your life be filled with spiffy serenity~

Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose


Taking Flight

I’m in silent lucidity.

where all is content…

wonderful, beautiful, but somehow unexplainable….

lost in a dimension…

of my unexplained thoughts…

that’s how I feel when I listen to these songs:

“Everything I encounter permeates me, washes in and out, leaving a tracery, placing me in that beautiful paradox of being by, which I am both a solitary creature and everyone, everything.” -Susan Griffin

“When there is danger, a good leader takes the front line; but when there is celebration, a good leader stays in the back of the room.” -O Magazine, 2001

May your days be filled with love and happiness. 🙂

Stay Rosy!


Radical Rose
